Monday, April 26, 2010

Rehab is Star-Studded

Fame is tough and not everyone can cope with it. These celebrities paid a visit to a rehabilitation center - some more than once. Follow the Link Here

There are NONE that are perfect Among us, we can only strive to LIVE BETTER and discover GOD within ourselves and each other. ASHE! Lu'na April 26, 2010

Ashe may refer to:
Ashé, the energy of creation in Yoruba mythology Also used in the Orisha
Ashé, primordial stroke which is life force, in the Shambhala teachings of Chogyam Trungpa

Celebrity Mugshots

Burn Notice" star Jeffrey Donovan was arrested for DUI in Miami Beach. After failing a field sobriety test, Donovan made a weak excuse for his actions before being taken into custody.

"The only mistake I made tonight was drinking Benadryl with 3 glasses of wine," Donovan said. "I really think I'm only borderline and not too drunk." The actor could face six months in jail if convicted of the one count of DUI.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Hangover: Know It Too Well

"The Hangover" (portrait of Suzanne Valadon, by Toulouse-Lautrec)

A hangover (pronounced /ˈhæŋoʊvər/) (veisalgia) or delayed alcohol induced headache describes the sum of unpleasant physiological effects following heavy consumption of alcoholic beverages. The most commonly reported characteristics of a hangover include headache, sensitivity to light and noise, lethargy, dysphoria, diarrhea and thirst, typically after the intoxicating effects of the alcohol begin to wear off. While a hangover can be experienced at any time, generally speaking, a hangover is experienced the morning after a night of heavy drinking. In addition to the physical symptoms, a hangover may also induce psychological symptoms including heightened feelings of depression and anxiety.

Have you Seen This Film? I did a couple of years ago, it left me numb but deeply moved. La Vie En Rose: Tragic and Powerful Advanced Alcholism of a Brillant Female Artist, Edith Piaf's life. An incredible and powerful film; HIGHLY Recommended.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Genita Petralli Rocks

Genita Look forward to meeting you in Santa Cruz

Relapse Your Way Sober

Relapse Your Way Sober: One of Many Postings A Slip is not relapse...Don't Think This Way If you had a Drink today just don't drink tomorrow and reach out for Help. A Relapse is not the end of the world. Perk Up. Think Positive! God is on our side; Recovery is a process if you are serious about it. Take it from me. I have relapsed my way sober when I don't drink I FEEL soooo Good. Feel Good it is contagious.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

ON THE EDGE PT 1 of 14 Theo Chalmers

As shown on the web site of the Alliance for Natural Health. Great Interview with Dounne Alexander MBE and Dr Robert Verkerk.

Green Mental Health: An Alternative to Toxic Psychiatric Drugs

How Commercial, Denatured Foods Cause Addictions

Alcoholism Is Not a Disease Dr. Stanton Peele

Liza Minnelli talks about alcoholism

Why AA doesn't work for over 97% of people who join

Genita Petralli H.H.P., N.C., M.H., author of Alcoholism the Cause and the Cure. Bill Wilson -The first fan of orthomolecular treatment Read Story
Check out her videos on YouTube. Excellent content!

Booze a Journey of Healing: An Introduction

Booze: A journey of Healing is a definitive step towards a more than 7 year journey towards behavior adjustment, Healing, Wellness and most importantly SOBRIETY "A Day at A Time".

Booze: A Journey of Healing is an attempt at openness and honesty. It is an attempt to bring together people into a discussion and exploratory treatment methods around the issue of
alcohol addiction and abuse and to find solutions towards Wellness and Sober living. For those who have struggled with rehab and who have struggled with the 12 Step Alcoholics Anonymous program. For those whose life conditions may cause them to drink excessively, share your stories of Hope, Faith, Determination and Love and reach out to people that desire Change in their lives, that desire to change their relationship with alcohol.

Booze a Journey of Healing works towards bringing together those who are suffering in silence, for those who are in and out of the rooms of (Alcoholics Anonymous) For those who seek alternative ways of dealing with their addictive and destructive behavior. From one to the other, that desire Sober Living who do not embrace shame and humiliation but rather a healthy pride towards self actualization and responsible behavior. Let us learn from the past towards a brighter future heal the hurt and learn to spread love and joy. This site is a way that other "people who have been challenged with "alcohol abuse" and "alcoholism" can connect with each other and find solutions. Let us take this journey together.

There are alternative ways towards holistic living and there are practitioners, healers and enlightened individuals out there who can help us achieve a more balanced way of living. The answer is also in Ourselves I have been journaling for many years now and I know that a Power greater than myself has pushed me towards Booze a Journey, there is a reason for it. My life has changed and is in the process of heavy change due to the fact that I am dealing with personal health issues without fear and with enlightenment. God does not give us what we cannot handle, we have the Power to Change and to Heal.

On this site there will be some things that you may agree and disagree with that's ok. My desire here is to explore and find wellness, healing and recovery from bad lifestyle choices. We are bombarded with advertisements promoting BOOZE and we live in a culture for which drinking though widely accepted has destroyed many lives in one way or another. How many places can you purchase Booze in your neighborhood, how many bars are in your neighborhood? Think about it?

We live in a mass culture that does not promote healthy nutrition, eating habits, mind/body/soul awareness. We have to fight for that awareness. We have to fight to eat and live healthy. I have struggled with anxiety and depression, high stress and other life conditions and unfortunately turned to alcohol to reduce some of those issues. A drink over a business meeting, a drink at a networking event, a drink at dinner, a drink at the Pub several times a week , a drink in a brown bag this is just insanity. No matter a good diet and even exercise, if heavy booze consumption is in the mix this is going to be a problem. I have met several people in the rooms. athletic types as well, who speak on this fact. I have suffered alot needlessly because I did not fully understand how to get to the root cause of my drinking this caused other problems in my life. So many people out there understand this and still struggle with this addiction and or are fearful of facing it in it's truth.

Let the site speak for itself as we journey out of alcohol abuse and other unhealthy habits. Take Good Care of Your Self and those that you Love. You deserve it and so do they.