Sunday, June 13, 2010

Staying Healthy and Sober

It's been a while since my last much going on. Miracles and so much more. I am in the middle of sorting things out in my personal life, a move, letting go of toxicity in all facets. This is very serious, if you want to stop drinking you cannot spend time with friends who drink. It is a disaster and a relapse waiting to happen as an old-timer told me.

I am tired of struggling with this and so that's it, I absolutley cannot spend time with friends who drink while I am in my Change my life for the better mode. These people will bring you down. God has given me so much and I am praying every day for better days. Health and Sobriety. I am starting a major Detox and am cleaning and Greening up my body. It is a calling that I am listening to and it the only way to insure my desire for Booze is completely eliminated. I am looking for support on this detox mission.

Basic Steps to Recovery
1. Admit you have a problem. You do not have to admit to being powerless over alcohol. You do have to admit that you have a problem and that you want to change. What constitutes a problem is determined by the level of detriment that the consumption of alcohol wrecks havoc on your health, your successful functioning in life--in your job, in your relationships, etc.

2. Determine your allies as soon as you make the decision to quit. Who is in your life that will support you in your decision? Surround yourself with the people in your life that will assist you in your decision to quit, not people that will sabotage your sobriety.

3. Make a commitment. Don't be afraid to imagine yourself sober for the rest of your life. It is true that you take one day at a time. It is true that some days you take one moment at a time. You also need to have emotional acceptance that it is a good thing that you will not ever be drinking again.

4. Avoid the labels. It is not necessary to announce to everyone that you are an alcoholic, or a recovering alcoholic. Share your victories with your allies, as they are the encouraging ones. Know that you do not have a disease, and you are not sick--quitting drinking will make you a much healthier person.

Detox Programs to Renew Your Body and Mind