Monday, March 12, 2012

Just for Today!

Just for Today I will learn to live simply not try to do too much to slow down and listen to my inner self. Just for Today, I will pay attention to the pain in my side and know that my body is asking me not to drink, telling me not to drink. Just for Today, I will reflect on a brighter future and use my past as a learning tool and building block. Just for Today, I will continue to Pray and Pray and ask God to help me right my wrongs and faults to heal my body that I have so badly damaged from making bad choices from consuming too much booze. Just for Today I will ask God for forgiveness and to help me cross this path into good health, Mind, Body Soul. Just for Today I will learn to love myself to a higher height and know that if I take care of myself I will in turn be able to take care of others. Just for Today I dare not to drink, I will not be tempted. Just for Today I will reflect on the fact that if I drink today, I may not have tomorrow. JUST FOR TODAY!

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