Sunday, December 9, 2012

Meeting New Friends-Some Good Things!

One Positive thing that I can say about the Pub is that the potential to meet new people is great. Whether or not you Stay in touch and or whether or not the night ends on a positive note without a Crash, those times when you meet special people is always nice. At the same time, it is also important to be able to enjoy the moment and realize that while actively drinking it is just a moment. Learning to Love myself more in spite of myself and knowing that good times with a horrible hangover the next day must be rethought. I wish that I was one of those drinkers that could have a couple and keep it moving but I never was! I am looking into Milk Thistle which apparently has some benefits with respect to liver repair and heart disease. I will obviously in my journey consult with doctors and licensed homeopathic physicians on this matter, dentist, etc. I was able to garner some information from WebMD "Is Milk Thistle Good for the Liver? At this point, there is not enough scientific data to say whether or not milk thistle can help liver problems. Some early research suggests milk thistle may aid people with alcohol-related liver disease. Other studies show no improvement in liver function in this group of people. Milk thistle (silymarin) is a flowering herb related to the daisy and ragweed family. It is native to Mediterranean countries. Some people also call it Mary thistle and holy thistle.

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